How Delivery works

Order online and choose Same Day Delivery at checkout

We’ll notify you when your order is out for delivery

Enjoy contactless delivery in as little as 1 hour!*

For more info, see our FAQ section.

* Daily delivery is Monday through Sunday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Orders must be placed by 7 p.m., but hours may vary by store location. Some deliveries may not be eligible for same day due to delivery address, holidays, weather or other delivery constraints. Deliveries must be either entirely accepted or rejected. No partial order acceptance permitted. Please note that an individual's signature or presence may not be required upon delivery. Prescriptions not eligible but may be available through Rx Same Day Delivery. Orders containing age-restricted items require you to present a valid government ID to verify your age at delivery. Other exclusions may apply. For details, visit our Help Center.