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Customer Service

Store Locator

  • Click on the Store Locator link located towards the upper-left corner of the page. Enter your zip code, city, state, or intersection and click Search. . The ten closest Walgreens stores will display - click Load more to see more stores.

    By clicking Details next to a Walgreens address, you can view the store's hours, phone number, and drive-thru pharmacy availability. When you click the Directions link, directions in Google Maps from your location to the store will open in a new tab or window. You have the option to view and print out door-to-door driving directions to any store you select from the list. You can also click the Meet the team link toward the bottom of the page to view profiles of your local Walgreens pharmacists.

    ** This service is not available in all areas. Selecting more than one service may limit your results.

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