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Help keep your skin clear and clean with astringents. These facial toners can help remove excess oil and impurities for smoother skin. Most astringents should be used after you wash your face in areas prone to breakouts to remove any of the remaining dirt or bacteria that was missed by your face wash. Available in a variety of formulas for different skin types, find the astringent that best complements your skin care routine from brands such as Burt's Bees, Neutrogena and Vichy.

Cleanse and tone

If you already have a favorite skin care brand, you likely can find a toner from that brand to complement your facial wash and moisturizer. If you're trying to decide on a toner, find a formula that works with your skin type. There are oil-free astringents and those for sensitive skin. You can also find astringent sprays for a light application and pads for targeted use.

Personal care astringents

You can also find eye drops with astringents to help relieve redness and dry eye. Oral astringents help cleanse and ease pain if paired with an anesthetic. Other astringents can be used to relieve minor skin irritations as a compress, wet dressing or soak.

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