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Canvas Ankle Braces

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Canvas ankle braces

Whether you've suffered an ankle injury or simply want to prevent harm, canvas ankle braces can help. With their breathable fabric, these ankle braces can help stabilize your ankle without retaining heat or moisture. Some canvas ankle braces even lace up to allow you to adjust them to fit your foot. Choose your canvas ankle support from brand OTC Professional Orthopaedic here at

Stable support

Most canvas ankle braces can fit on either the right or left foot. Measuring your ankle circumference can help you find the ankle support in a size that fits you, whether you need extra small, small, medium, large or extra large. These ankle splints can also have rigid metal support to keep your ankle protected and in place.

Other braces and more

There are many other types of ankle support that you can choose from. If you need rigid control, choose an ankle stirrup that has stabilizers on both sides of your ankle. Other braces that are similar to athletic tape can offer comfortable control that fits in many shoes. Our health and well-being department's sports and fitness section also has thigh braces, knee braces and wrist braces as well as shoulder and back support. For more help staying active, browse the products and aids in our sports nutrition, fitness equipment and workout accessories sections.

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