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Rewetting Drops

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3 items*
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Rewetting drops

Sometimes, especially after wearing contact lenses for several hours, they can become dry and uncomfortable. To help soothe and hydrate, try rewetting drops for contact lens wearers. These eye drops can help surround your lenses in a layer of moisture so that you barely feel like you're wearing them. For lasting comfort, choose your rewetting drops from vision care brands Alcon, Bausch & Lomb, Visine and more here at

Moisture and comfort

Some rewetting eye drops can help flush irritating particles out of the eye, while most offer the soothing relief of instant moisture. Some formulas are made for specific types of contact lenses, while others are suitable for multiple types. You can choose from eye drops for contacts with different ingredients, including some that contain natural components for a more gentle feeling.

Cleaning your contact lenses

Wear your contact lenses comfortably by using contact lens cleaners to keep them fresh. Contact cleaners can disinfect your lenses and rid them of protein deposits and debris. Some can also help keep your contacts stay flexible and moist while you wear them. You can browse disinfecting contact solution and multi-purpose contact lens solutions here to find the ones that can help you keep your eyes healthy and your contacts clean.

Accessories and lens care

For sanitary storage of your contact lenses, choose a contact lens case that suits your needs. Choose from fashion contact lens cases that are colorful and functional, and contact cases that make it easy for you to find your lenses before wearing them.

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