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Zinc Supplements & Vitamins

Zinc is an important mineral the body needs to function properly. Zinc should be consumed daily because the body does not have a system to store it. Zinc is found naturally in many foods, added to some fortified foods, and it’s also available in dietary supplements. Zinc supplements are available in many forms and can be purchased in stores and online at Walgreens.

What are the benefits of zinc?

Research shows that zinc provides many benefits for the body. Beyond its role in keeping cells and protein working properly, getting enough zinc can help people with everyday problems they may be facing. People living with low zinc levels can benefit from zinc supplementation. There is also evidence that taking zinc supplements within one day of cold symptoms can help shorten the length of colds. Zinc can also help with wound healing in people who have skin ulcers and low zinc levels.

What does zinc do for the body?

Zinc helps keep the body health in many ways. It works with over 100 enzymes, helping them carry out their function in the body, and it also plays a role in the immune system, wound healing, protein and DNA creation, and cell function. It also helps to support proper growth and development in pregnancy and childhood. With all these important jobs, it’s easy to see why getting enough zinc is vital for keeping people healthy.

How much zinc should I take?

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for zinc varies based on age and sex. Children need between 2 and 11 milligrams (mg) per day, while adult men need 11 mg and adult women need 8 mg. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need a bit more, and should aim for 11 to 13 mg each day.

Zinc can be found in many foods naturally. Oysters, red meat, and chicken contain the highest amount of zinc. It can also be found in foods such as beans, nuts, and fortified foods like breakfast cereals. Most people can get enough zinc from a healthy diet, but if you have trouble getting zinc from the food you eat, supplements may be right for you.

What form does zinc come in?

Zinc is found in a variety of foods. Some foods are also fortified with zinc. Zinc supplements are available in many forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, gummies, and lozenges. All of these forms are available for purchase in stores and online at Walgreens.

What are symptoms of zinc deficiency?

Zinc deficiency is not common, and is mostly seen in people who have conditions that make zinc absorption difficult, such as inflammatory bowel diseases. People who have experienced gastrointestinal surgery and those who are living with chronic liver or kidney disease are also at risk of zinc deficiency. Pregnant women may be at risk because they need greater amounts of zinc for child development. People who do not eat animal products may also have trouble getting enough zinc from the foods they eat.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency can include loss of taste or smell, low appetite, feelings of depression, poor immune function, hair loss, and diarrhea. Speak with your healthcare provider if you are worried about your zinc intake.

What is chelated zinc?

Chelated zinc is a type of zinc supplement that has an added compound to help with absorption. There are many forms of supplements that can help people reach healthy levels of zinc, such as zinc gluconate, sulfate, and acetate. Too much zinc is not good for the body and can cause unpleasant symptoms and copper deficiency, so be sure to speak with your healthcare provider before you start taking zinc supplements.

What does zinc do for skin?

There is evidence that zinc deficiency can cause skin problems and may delay the healing of wounds. For people with low zinc levels who have skin ulcers, zinc supplements can help resolve these issues. Zinc oxide is also used as a topical skin treatment to treat and prevent diaper rash on the skin. Other potential benefits of zinc for the skin are still being investigated.

What does zinc do for your immune system?

Zinc plays an important role in keeping the immune system working properly. Zinc deficiency can decrease immune function and make people more likely to get certain illnesses. Using zinc supplements after experiencing cold systems has been shown to reduce the length of colds for some people. Getting enough zinc from the foods you eat or from supplements can help keep the immune system healthy.

What are the sexual benefits of zinc?

Zinc works during pregnancy, childhood, and the teenage years to help children develop properly. Severe zinc deficiency can delay sexual maturation and cause other sexual issues as children develop. More research is needed to study the potential sexual benefits of zinc in adults. Your healthcare provider can help answer questions you have about zinc supplements and their benefits.