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Blood Pressure Monitors

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77 items*
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Blood Pressure Monitors at Walgreens

If you've been diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension, it's important that you keep tabs on your blood pressure readings. Your doctor will likely advise you to check your blood pressure at home, using a blood pressure monitor. Walgreens can help you follow your doctor's instructions. We carry a large selection of manual and automatic blood pressure monitors for home use. You can explore the product assortment online and make a purchase, or visit your local Walgreens store to find a monitor for you.

Importance of Home Monitoring

High blood pressure can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke and other conditions, making it important that you take steps to get levels under control. Your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes and prescribe medication to address hypertension. In order to check how well your treatment plan is working, it is often necessary to check your blood pressure levels at home. By recording the numbers and sharing them with your doctor, they can determine whether changes need to be made in your medication or if additional lifestyle modifications are necessary to lower your blood pressure.

Manual vs Automatic

There are two main types of blood pressure monitors: manual and automatic. Manual blood pressure monitors consist of a cuff, an inflation bulb and a gauge that you read by looking at a pointer on the dial. Manual blood pressure monitors also require the use of a stethoscope to listen to the blood pulsing through the artery. They can be hard to use and are not the recommended type of blood pressure monitor for home use. Automatic blood pressure monitors were developed as a simple way to quickly check your blood pressure at home. With automatic devices, you slip on a cuff and press a button to start your blood pressure reading. The cuff automatically inflates and deflates. Your blood pressure reading is then displayed on a digital screen.

Automatic Blood Pressure Monitors

There are many automatic blood pressure monitors on the market. Monitors can measure blood pressure at the upper arm, wrist, or finger, depending on the model. Automatic arm blood pressure monitors have a cuff that wraps around the upper arm. The American Heart Association recommends the use of automatic cuff-style upper arm monitors to keep track of blood pressure at home. Monitors that wrap around the wrist or finger to measure blood pressure aren't recommended because they deliver less reliable results. People who cannot wear a cuff around their arms due to sizing issues or discomfort should ask their doctor about other blood pressure monitor options.

Models with Special Features

Some automatic blood pressure monitors have special features that may be beneficial for you.

  • Some models include a heart rate monitor and some may even be able to detect an irregular heartbeat.
  • For those who have difficulty reading the screen, there are talking monitors available.
  • Some automatic monitors have built-in memory that can store one or more of your previous readings.
  • There are even options that use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity to send your blood pressure readings to your smartphone, tablet or computer for easy review and sharing.

Whatever model you choose, be sure that it comes with the correct size cuff. A cuff that doesn't fit properly on your arm may give you inaccurate readings. The cuff size you need is based on the size of your arm. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you find a blood pressure monitor with the proper cuff size.

Once you have a home blood pressure monitor, bring it with you to your next checkup so your doctor can make sure you're using it correctly and it's working well. Check your blood pressure at home as often as directed by your doctor.