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Vitamin B

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Vitamin B Vitamins & Supplements at Walgreens

You may have heard of a few different B vitamins, but there are actually eight B vitamins in total. Each B vitamin helps our bodies function properly by forming cells and making energy from our food. Some B vitamins are known by other names such as biotin (vitamin B7), folate or folic acid (vitamin B9), and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Walgreens offers a variety of different B vitamin supplements to meet your specific needs.

What is vitamin B?

Vitamin B refers to a group of water-soluble vitamins that play an important role in keeping us healthy. These vitamins can help enzymes in the body function by retaining energy from the food we eat and moving nutrients through our cells and bodies. There are eight B vitamins, and each plays a different role with specific bodily functions. We can get vitamin B from the foods we eat, but taking supplements may help us get extra nutrients if we are having trouble getting enough vitamin B in our diets.

What are the eight B vitamins?

The eight B vitamins are:

  •  B1 (thiamine)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin),
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • B6
  • B7 (biotin)
  • B9 (folate or folic acid)
  • B12

Some B vitamins are known by other names you may have seen before. You can get B vitamins from foods high in protein such as fish, meat, eggs, and dairy. Green leafy vegetables and beans also have vitamin B. Some foods are fortified with vitamin B, such as cereals and breads.

What are B-Complex vitamins?

Some vitamin B supplements are available as B-complex vitamins. These vitamins usually contain all eight B vitamins in one pill. If you’re looking to supplement with multiple B vitamins, B-Complex vitamins could be an option for you. Speak with your healthcare provider if you’re curious about taking B-Complex vitamins.

What are the benefits of vitamin B?

Vitamin B has many benefits for our bodies. Some B vitamins help produce DNA, get energy from our food, and promote the growth and development of cells in our bodies. Not getting enough vitamin B can lead to diseases or conditions such as anemia, or leave us feeling lethargic and low energy. Research is ongoing into additional benefits of vitamin B.

How many milligrams of vitamin B should I take in one day?

Each B vitamin has different recommended amounts. For example, the daily recommended amount of vitamin B7 (biotin) for the average adult is 30 micrograms (mcg). The daily recommended amount of vitamin B12 for adults is 2.4 mcg. If you are taking vitamin B supplements, avoid taking more than the recommended dose for that specific supplements.

What form does vitamin B come in?

There are eight B vitamins total, and these are available in foods such as protein, vegetables, and fortified products. Vitamin B is also available in supplement form, either as single B vitamins or as a B-Complex vitamin containing all eight B vitamins. Vitamin B supplements are available at Walgreens as softgels, tablets, gummies and tonics.

What are symptoms of vitamin B deficiency?

Vitamin B deficiency is rare because B vitamins are found in a wide variety of foods. Not getting enough vitamin B can lead to certain conditions such as anemia, muscle weakness, heart problems, and hair loss. If you are concerned that you may not be consuming enough vitamin B, speak with your healthcare provider about supplementation.

Who should take vitamin B?

Some people may have trouble getting enough vitamin B. People who do not eat meat or dairy products, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and people with certain genetic conditions may have a hard time getting vitamin B from their diets. These people may especially benefit from vitamin B supplements. Anyone who is concerned about their vitamin B consumption can speak with a pharmacist or healthcare provider about taking vitamin B.

What does vitamin B do for hair, skin and nails?

Vitamin B plays an important role in keeping our cells and bodies healthy. Vitamin B7 (biotin) deficiency is associated with hair loss and brittle nails, but more research is needed to understand the possible benefits of B vitamins on hair, skin, and nails.

When is the best time to take vitamin B?

Vitamin B is water-soluble, which means water is needed for this vitamin to absorb into our bodies. Taking vitamin B with a full glass of water can help with absorption. Most people can get proper amounts of vitamin B from their daily diet, but supplements can provide these nutrients when it’s not possible to meet your daily needs.
